
SV-COMP 2024

Yet again, ULTIMATE Automizer has won the Overall ranking of the 13th Competition on Software Verification (SV-COMP 2024)! The ULTIMATE team participated with four verification tools (Automizer, GemCutter, Kojak and Taipan), and collected many more prizes.

SV-COMP 2023

For the third time in its history, ULTIMATE Automizer has won the Overall ranking of the 12th Competition on Software Verification (SV-COMP 2023)! The ULTIMATE team participated with four verification tools (Automizer, GemCutter, Kojak and Taipan), and collected many more prizes. For the first time, SV-COMP also included competitions on correctness and violation witness validation — and ULTIMATE won the Overall categories of both competitions.

SV-COMP 2022

The ULTIMATE team participated in the 11th Competition on Software Verification (SV-COMP 2022) with four verification tools: Automizer, Kojak, Taipan and, for the first time, GemCutter. We collected several medals and won the demo category NoDataRace.

SV-COMP 2021

In the 10th Competition on Software Verification (SV-COMP 2021), the ULTIMATE team competed with the verification tools Automizer, Kojak and Taipan. We collected several medals, including (for the fifth time in a row) the gold medal in the category Termination.

  • Automizer
    Overall Termination NoOverflow MemSafety ConcurrencySafety
  • Taipan

SV-COMP 2020

ULTIMATE Automizer won second place in the Overall ranking of the 9th Competition on Software Verification (SV-COMP 2020). The ULTIMATE team competed with the verification tools Automizer, Kojak and Taipan.

Termination Competition 2019

ULTIMATE Büchi Automizer has won the C Programs category on the Termination of Programs track of the Termination Competition 2019.

SV-COMP 2019

Three ULTIMATE verification tools participated in the 8th Competition on Software Verification (SV-COMP 2019): Automizer, Kojak and Taipan. The ULTIMATE team won two gold medals.

SV-COMP 2018

Three ULTIMATE verification tools participated in the 7th Competition on Software Verification (SV-COMP 2018): Automizer, Kojak and Taipan. The ULTIMATE team won two gold medals.

  • Automizer
    Overall Termination NoOverflow SoftwareSystems ReachSafety
  • Taipan

RERS Challenge 2018

The ULTIMATE team participated with several tools and won the Sequential Reachability track.

SV-COMP 2017

For the second time in a row, ULTIMATE Automizer has won the Overall ranking of 6th Competition on Software Verification (SV-COMP 2017)! The ULTIMATE team participated with the verification tools Automizer, Kojak and, for the first time, Taipan.

  • Automizer
    Overall Termination MemSafety Overflows ReachSafety SoftwareSystems
  • Taipan
    SoftwareSystems Overflows

SV-COMP 2016

ULTIMATE Automizer has won the Overall ranking of 5th Competition on Software Verification (SV-COMP 2016)! The ULTIMATE team participated with the verification tools Automizer and Kojak.

  • Automizer
    Overall Overall-Falsification Termination

RERS Challenge 2016

The ULTIMATE team participated with several tools and won the Reachability track.

Termination Competition 2015

ULTIMATE Büchi Automizer has won the Termination of Programming Languages category of the Termination Competition 2015.

SV-COMP 2015

The ULTIMATE team participated in the 4th Competition on Software Verification (SV-COMP 2015) with the verification tools Automizer and Kojak.

  • Automizer
    Overall Recursive Termination Arrays Sequentialized
  • Kojak

Termination Competition 2014

ULTIMATE Büchi Automizer has won second place in the Termination of Programming Languages category of the Termination Competition 2014.

SV-COMP 2014

The ULTIMATE team participated in the 3rd Competition on Software Verification (SV-COMP 2014) with the verification tools Automizer and Kojak.